Ella Yolande

Ella Yolande is a visual artist who studied art in Devon where she grew up, before completing a BA in Fine Art at Edinburgh College of Art, 2019.


Driven by a curiosity around interspecies entanglements, metamorphic states and queer ecology, Ella Yolande’s practice explores the fluidity and resilience of non-human organisms. Working across video, sculpture, textiles and text, she creates surreal biomes that reference microscopic life forms, sci-fi and botanical architecture. She is interested in looking at symbiotic relationships and hybridity in terms of adaptation & resilience to rapidly changing environments. Through considering the need for mutable, multi-species bodies she hopes to generate playful thinking on imaginary and speculative vegetal futures. Recently her work has been exhibited at Melkweg, Amsterdam; with DARP at Artcore Gallery in Derby; FIBER Festival 2021 and presented a new commission for The Human Cell Atlas’s One Cell at a Time exhibition.